Importance of Mean stack training

Importance of Mean stack training

Importance of Mean stack training

Want the best Mean stack training to start a career as a Mean stack developer? Then you must go through this article that eventually guides you about Mean stack training. Here we have also suggested what one should look for while searching for the best Mean stack institute in Noida? Where can you get the proper training and begin your career in Mean stack development? But before we move on to that, let us first understand the Mean stack development, its components, why we use it and whether it is secure or not. Furthermore, we shall also throw light on the merits and demerits of Mean stack development. How can one expand themselves in this? What shall be the career opportunities in the near future in case you opt for this Mean Stack course? And much more.

  • What is the Mean stack?
  • Components of the Mean stack
  • Why use Mean stack for web development?
  • How secure is the MEAN stack?
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Scope and career

What is the MEAN stack?

Having gained widespread popularity, MEAN Stack is one of the most popular technology concepts used for building web applications. It is primarily a JavaScript based framework used for the development of full-stack web applications. MEAN Stack is known to develop a streamline across the entire application simply with the help of a single language.


MEAN stands for-


M – MongoDB- it is a document database

E – Express- it is a Node.js framework

A – Angular- frontend development framework

N – Node.js- premier JavaScript web server used in the backend


All these are based on JavaScript language. It is widely popular for its flexibility, scalability, and for being consistent language. If you want to learn MEAN stack then APTRON is the best Mean stack institute in Noida offering you training directly from industry-experienced professionals  helping you to become a professional Mean stack developer by incorporating industry-standard skills in you.

Components of Mean stack

There are four components of the Mean stack that work together for the development of a web application.

  1. MongoDB
  2. Express
  3. AngularJs
  4. js

Let’s understand each of them one by one in order to make it more clear.


It is open source meaning that anyone can use it for free. Instead of a relational model, it makes use of the object-oriented approach. MongoDB is relatively hyped for its scalability in storage and performance. In making a web application if there is an application that stores any data then it is done by the MongoDB database.


It actually handles the interaction between the front end and the database ensuring a smooth data transfer to the end user. Primarily, created to make APIs and web applications with ease Express is time efficient, fast, economical, easy to learn and packed with much more benefits. Saving you from doing a lot of coding and still making efficient web and mobile applications Express comes with a number of advantages. One of the best benefits of it is that it is written in JavaScript as JavaScript is an easy language and even a beginner can do it without the prior knowledge of any other language.


AngularJs is by default known for its effectiveness in frontend javascript development. It means if you are developing a web application in javascript, you are using AngularJs. To help developers in building the user-facing side of the application the Mean stack is inclusive of AngularJs. This is so because it requires an effortless flow of information amongst all parts of your application. It is due to the backend, frontend, and database that are built on javascript.


Node.js is considered to be the backbone of the Mean stack also being an open source javascript framework it is available for free to use. Express is purpose-built to work on top of Node.js, but for faster data serving AngularJs connects to Node.js seamlessly. Scalability is one of the major strengths of Node.js and thousands of libraries were thus built upon Node.js by the community making things easier and exciting for the developers.

Why use Mean stack for web development?

Actually, this tool consists of all the necessary systems to make a perfect application or website in a very less time. It is so popular because developers can use this to make complex applications effortlessly and quickly.

Mean stack is mostly famous for its cloud-based applications. It is only because it builds vigorous and fast results which are easy to manage with end-to-end encryption.

If we talk about its scalability then the four components MongoDB, NodeJS, ExpressJS, and AngularJS, are open source and which makes them highly scalable.

It also provides you with a high-quality user interface as it uses uniform language from beginning to end and has a very low memory overhead.

How secure is the Mean stack?

If you are using Mean stack you must use MongoDB Atlas because Atlas has built-in credentials, firewalls, and also end-to-end encryption. Apart from this, it has a three-tier separation, if it is used with the best practice and correct network isolation, it will prevent your end user from having access to the business logic and your database layer. It means your application is by default designed to avoid threat user interaction from putting your application at risk.

Advantages of the Mean stack

Here are some of the most important and best advantages of the Mean stack

  • It is fast and the development of applications is quite rapid.
  • Mean is full stack JavaScript with open source.
  • Throughout your whole stack development, only a single uniform language is used that is JavaScript.
  • It uses very low memory
  • MongoDB is built for the cloud
  • Js simplest the server layer.
  • Mean makes code isomorphic

Disadvantages of the Mean stack

With the advantages, there are some demerits of the Mean stack here are some of them

  • From business logic, it offers poor isolation of the server.
  • It is not recommended for big-scale applications.
  • You may lose records gradually.
  • It becomes really very hard to go back to the old approach once you created the first site using Mean stack technology.

What are the scopes and career as a Mean stack developer?

To start a career in Mean stack development you shall require proper guidance under which you can shape an excellent future ahead. For that I suggest you APTRON that provides the best Mean stack course in Noida. APTRON offers you with the best teaching experience where students get 100% placement assistance post completion of the system. But first, let’s understand the scopes and careers in Mean stack development.


As a Mean stack developer, there are a lot of scopes in which you expand yourself. Mean stack developers deal with frontend and backend both as in JavaScript. Apart from this, you can also grow yourself in Java, Cloud computing, Blockchain, and many more.


There is high demand for full-stack developers around the world. The salary of full-stack developers is relatively high. If you want to become a full stack developer then you can join the best Mean stack training in Noida where you can start your journey as a full stack developer.


Mean stack training is one of the most demanding training in today’s world where people are getting into this to start a bright future for themselves. In the above article, we have talked about the same. How can you start your career as a Mean stack developer? What are the important factors you must follow or the keys you should keep in mind before getting into this? Also, we have talked about the merits and demerits of Mean stack as well as suggested you the best Mean stack training in Noida.

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